Creative Direction

Artist / Synthetic Media explorer / Crafting New Aesthetics / Co-creating with AI

Google 25

For the celebration of Google 25th anniversary in Paris, I co-created 25 visuals with AI, forecasting the next 25 years of Google. This is a collaboration with the motion artist Clement Beurais.

Samaritaine Paris Trompe-l'oeil

As part of the theme 'Samaritaine Paris Trompe-l'œil', I revisited 10 key spaces of the department store from a surrealistic perspective.

« Remix culture is the creative and collaborative powerhouse of our time, where the lines between artist and audience become beautifully blurred. »

Midjourney workshop

I train creatives and professionals to travel in the latent space and have more control over Midjourney.
My expertise is creativity and unusual workflows. The workshop includes basic features like parameters, variations, remixing multi-prompting, negative prompting, permutations, weights, seeds, etc.
I also teach the specificities of v6, implementation of other Ai tools, case studies.
A 50 page presentation, a discord server with all prompts and a list of descriptors is provided at the end of the workshop.
Since September 2023 I have trained over 15 agencies and artists.

Caroline Zeller

I am an Artist, a Creative Director and a visual Prompt Engineer.

Coming from a visual art and typography background, my transition to working with Generative AI, creating with words, feels like a natural evolution.

My passion lies in unique collaborations that transcend conventional boundaries, working alongside fellow creatives and AI.

During my 12 years in Shanghai and Hong Kong, I embraced a wide array of cultural influences that enrich my creative work. I am now based in Lyon, France.

If you’re interested in working together or just want to say hello, please drop me a line.

Creative Direction